Collective Community Commitment

Social Media of Commitments

If you think you need a way to strengthen your family or community or group communication and help members to reduce the problems and challenges, or plan an event like birthday with commitments, this game may help you. 


For the first time I designed this game to reduce the complexity inside my family to overcome all the misunderstanding and miscommunication problems that we had been faced with for many years.

We played this game in our family and received an amazing result. So I decided to share it with others, hoping that it might help other families or groups as well. You may even play it at your work or community.

I love to hear your feedback if you play this game!



What does your ideal family look like? 

Making a full list of desired items of all family members about having an ideal family. 


Each family member writes their ideal family on a piece of paper. It is better if they can write their topics as separate items in a list.

Listening to each other

Listening to each other to learn about each other's concerns, desires and needs. 


From right to left, each family-members go through their list, read each item and explain it in detail.

Other family-members would listen to it carefully without interrupting.

Making Commons List

Reaching to a list of common items between family-members


It is better if one family-member can play the role of facilitator.

If you need, you can also use someone outside the family.


While a family-member finished one of their items, facilitator does this tasks:

1- Make sure the item is clear to all family-members.

2- If the item is not clear, the facilitator tries to make it clear by asking some more questions.

3- When the facilitator reaches to a clear title, he/she writes the item in the Common List under the name of the reader.

4- Facilitator asks each family-members if they agree to the item. For each one write Yes or No. in front of the item.

5- At the end of this level, the facilitator makes a clean list of items with all Yes.(Common List)

What are my commitments?

Each family member came up with a list of personal commitments that should be followed later.


Facilitator, start from the top of the Common List, and read them one by one.

The owner of each item should say, What are my commitments to my desired item?

which means what can I do first for the title that helps to reach an ideal family.

They should write their commitments in a personal commitment paper.

Do you promise me?

Hearing each other's expectations for having an ideal family. Is anyone willing to commit to me?


The family-member tells others about their expectation for that title and asks them if they would like to promise a commitment.

If any other family member ready for any commitment, they need to write it down in their paper of commitment list.

Do step 4 and 5 for each family member.

Sharing Commitments

Family-members are sharing their commitment list to each other.


Each family-members share their list of commitment to each other.

So they would commit to their commitments.

Following up meetings

Monthly meeting to follow up commitments


Each family-member read their item in the commitment list and double check with others if he/she was committed or not.

Repeat the cycle

Repeat the game with new items from Common List till to reach a family happiness. Step by step go to items that are not common to all members.


Family members open the Common List from step 3 and then select new items with maximum agreements. For example items with one NO in front.

I love to hear your feedback if you play this game!

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